Martin Vallières

Martin Vallières - GRIIS

Assistant professor in computer science at Université de Sherbrooke

A specialist in precision oncology, Martin Vallières studies and develops computer models that will make it possible to personalize cancer treatment. Using radiomics (the quantitative analysis of medical images) and machine learning in oncology, he has built predictive models for different types of cancer. His current work focuses on ways to graphically integrate heterogeneous and disparate medical data into models of cancer care.

Martin Vallières is devoting much of his current work to the development of a solution for the integrative modeling of oncology data. He leads the development of MEDomicsLab, an open source platform for end-to-end computation in precision oncology. This platform will integrate heterogeneous data from hospitals using deep learning and machine learning methods based on graph theory. By contributing to the improvement of prediction models in oncology, MEDomicsLab will become a key artificial intelligence tool in medicine. Martin Vallières is also a member of the Mila research institute in artificial intelligence.


Ph.D., McGill University, medical physics

M.Sc., McGill University, medical physics

B.Eng., École Polytechnique de Montréal, physics engineering


Canada-CIFAR AI Chair, Mila, 2020

Postdoctoral Fellowship, NSERC, 2018

1st prize, Rising Star in Medical Physics Symposium, Medical Physics Research Training Network (MPRTN), 2015

Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS D), NSERC, 2012

Doctoral Training Award, FRQ-S, 2012

Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS M), NSERC, 2010

Master’s Training Scholarship, FRQ-S, 2010

Master’s Research Award, FRQ-NT, 2010

